28 January 2013 – and we are still here

Beach walks at Cintsa

Beach walks at Cintsa

Hello again, our bullie friends… Gyps and I are having such fun in Cintsa West, in fact so much so, Mum and Dad have decided to stay a whole 6 weeks, that is until our Granny has left.  But, we get two walks a day, if we are lucky and we get to chase the piglets, woof, woof what fun.  We have made friends with Fudge and Dash, our horsey friends that live next to us and we also got to make friends with Whiskey, a JR and no Janet, he is not from Dallas, woof.   Just a few titbits of info….across the way from our camp are two furrballs, grrrrrrr, Gyps and I don’t like them one bit.

Our horsey friends Fudge and Thumper

Our horsey friends Fudge and Thumper

The one is called Kimberley, bwahahahahaha, Kimberley, have you ever..the other is about 2kgs of fluff and attitude called Lord Carrington, bwahahahahah have you ever…anyway they seem to think they own the whole of Rendezvous….no ways grrrrrrrr, we are just waiting and watching, be careful you horrible poodle, powderpuffs, you can’t bark and charge us, without some sort of payback grrrrrrrrrr.

Anyways as I was saying, Cintsa West is beautiful.  We have a campsite right at the front of the park.  We have had such an awesome time so far, long beach walks at sunrise and sunset, in fact we even came back round 10ish one night from a dinner date….we were allowed in the restaurant, we were so well behaved.

Thomas and Connie from Stuttgart in Germany

Thomas and Connie from Stuttgart in Germany

We met two super humans called Connie and Thomas.  They run a hotel for dogs in Stuttgart in Germany and have invited Gyps and I to visit whenever we want to.

Oh boy this is the life and guess what……no moving campervans woof, woof…..well for a while anyways.  Gran is visiting us from Joburg beginning of March.   That should be fun, fun…getting to share our space, all three of us.   If we lucky, we might get a few more titbits here and there, especially toast in the morning which Mum now seems to think we don’t like or want anymore…..like serious….what has changed since we left Cape Town….duh….nothing.  Woof, woof.

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Cintsa Beach Walk

It was another lazy Saturday afternoon in Cintsa. Tina was indulging in a siesta so I decided to take the dogs for a leisurely beach walk. One of the most appealing things about Cintsa is the pristine sandy beach that follows the curve of the bay for miles. Tina and I had noticed an astonishing […]