Since I blogged last, the dogs and I went into East London with John to do one of his driving lessons in the truck. Wow, what an eye opener it was too. This huge big truck which he had to alley dock and alley dock and alley dock, till he got it right. It was quite mind blowing watching him maneuver this huge thing backwards and forwards. Time was moving on and Friday was looming when he was going to be doing his test. The testing station was round the back streets of East London. I was totally shocked at the filth and litter just left lying around. People walking too and fro, stepping over bottles, plastic bags, discarded remains of food, old soiled clothes, nappies, old shoes and hoards of other bits and pieces. Such a shame really, as I really would have thought now that the ANC are running the Eastern Cape, they would be so proud of what they had achieved and really put heart and soul into cleaning up, teaching and creating jobs for their people….seems like same old, same old, nothings changed, in fact it probably has got worse, in my opinion. Couldn’t wait to get back to the campsite in Cintsa West.
Back at Cintsa Mandy and Zilla, along with KD, their doggie met us on the beach later that afternoon. Mandy was trying to catch some blue fish, but no such luck. They were camping at the Cintsa West resort up on the hill and had been braving the battering Westerly wind for more than a month. It was quickly decided that at the end of February, they were also moving to Rendezvous Caravan Park, which is beautifully sheltered and out of the wind.
Our days at Cintsa sort of rolled from day to night and night to day. Beautiful strolls on the beach at low tide, listening to the birds and identifying the many different species we have right in front of our campsite. Campervan cooking and editing on Sundays, as well as now and again being indulgent and eating out.
Johns Mum was arriving on the 10 March 2013 for 8 days with us in the campervan, so it was also time for a spring clean and sort out. After being in one place for more than a month, things start to grow and little creatures start to find crevices in which to make their nests and future homes. I hadn’t been feeling very well at all….I wasn’t sure if it was the water, the bed in the campervan or just a change in temperature, but after suffering cramps and lower back pain for more than a week, I decided to visit a chiropractor in East London. After a few sessions with her, the back pain eased, but the cramps didn’t, so off to the doctor. Dr Bester quickly diagnosed diverticulitis, an inflammation of the bowel. That meant antibiotics, a radical change in diet and rest. 3 days into the course of antibiotics, I woke up one morning with a head about to burst and no amount of lasering or resting cured the head. I noticed a rather ugly and inflamed bit on my lower leg, this was my first real taste of tick bite fever….so back to Dr Bester and another course of antibiotics, this was all about the time John’s Mum was visiting us.
Sore head, the lot, we still managed to do quite a lot with Mom. We had a really nice dinner out at Inkenkwezi the local game reserve, took her for fish and chips and spent a day visiting the Kei River, Morgans Bay and Double Mouth up the coast. The rest of the time was spent birdwatching and beach walking.
Mandy organised a game drive at Inkenkwezi for John and I. It was great being able to see the white lions, but on the whole we still prefer the ‘real thing’, as in ‘the Kruger Park’ or ‘Addo’ Game Reserves.
We packed Mom off home on the 18 March 2013 and got ready for our departure from Cintsa West. On the 20 March 2013, we headed to Coffee Bay up the Wild Coast.
It was a very tearful morning in Cintsa, having to say goodbye to friendships made and of course dear Ralph whom we had come to love so much. Ralph really didn’t want John and I to leave, but with every visit, there has to be a beginning and an end, not necessarily a goodbye, but definitely a ‘until we meet again’. So with horns parping, much hugging and kissing, we waved goodbye to Cintsa West, Rendevour, Ralph, Whiskey, Mandy, Zilla and KD.
It was another lazy Saturday afternoon in Cintsa. Tina was indulging in a siesta so I decided to take the dogs for a leisurely beach walk. One of the most appealing things about Cintsa is the pristine sandy beach that follows the curve of the bay for miles. Tina and I had noticed an astonishing […]