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Cintsa Beach Walk

Cintsa Beach Walk

It was another lazy Saturday afternoon in Cintsa. Tina was indulging in a siesta so I decided to take the dogs for a leisurely beach walk. One of the most appealing things about Cintsa is the pristine sandy beach that follows the curve of the bay for miles. Tina and I had noticed an astonishing […]

Bird Watching at Cintsa on the South African Wild Coast

Bird Watching at Cintsa on the South African Wild Coast

I have been an avid birder for many years, in fact, since a family trip to the Kruger National Park in the Eighties where I identified my first bird. It happened to be an Arrow Marked Babbler. I don’t usually keep score and seldom make notes in my book as to first sightings or other […]

Living High on the Hog

Living High on the Hog

You don’t live in Hogsback. You live ON Hogsback. Or so the locals tell me. The magical settlement of Hogsback straddles the Amathole mountain range which is heavily bedecked in Afro-montane forest and is surrounded by hectares of state forest plantations. We arrived on a fairly sunny day but by evening were shrouded in a […]

Tamkwa Karoo

Tamkwa Karoo

The Tamkwa Karoo National Park situated in the Northern Cape is a must have on any discerning destination bucket list..

New Destination Review

New Destination Review

 This is a placeholder for a destination review

Destinations – where the hearth is

Destinations – where the hearth is

South Africa has a myriad of amazing and interesting destinations worth exploring. We will be bringing you our personal account of where we lay our hat for a night or two. We may even spend weeks at those gems that need more exploring.


Cintsa Beach Walk

It was another lazy Saturday afternoon in Cintsa. Tina was indulging in a siesta so I decided to take the dogs for a leisurely beach walk. One of the most appealing things about Cintsa is the pristine sandy beach that follows the curve of the bay for miles. Tina and I had noticed an astonishing […]