On Monday morning, John and I took a ride into Underberg to see what we could find about the Sani Pass and accommodation. We had decided to take a couple of days and head up the pass, perhaps stopping overnight at the top of the Pass. We found the Sani Mountain Lodge had a backpackers, […]
On Wednesday the 17 April 2013, packed up and ready, we hit the road, after saying goodbye to Mandy, Zillah and Kady whom we would be meeting up with again, later on in our trip. We left Coffee Bay at around 9.30am bound for Kokstad where we had planned to do our monthly shop before […]
So Mandy and Zillah with Kady arrived on the 2 April 2013. After some scouting around and discussion, they decided to pitch caravan on the same site as John and I, for security purposes…our campsite was big enough for all of us. That evening, John and I treated the Croney family to a seafood feast. Crays, oysters […]
It was another lazy Saturday afternoon in Cintsa. Tina was indulging in a siesta so I decided to take the dogs for a leisurely beach walk. One of the most appealing things about Cintsa is the pristine sandy beach that follows the curve of the bay for miles. Tina and I had noticed an astonishing […]
I have been an avid birder for many years, in fact, since a family trip to the Kruger National Park in the Eighties where I identified my first bird. It happened to be an Arrow Marked Babbler. I don’t usually keep score and seldom make notes in my book as to first sightings or other […]
Since I blogged last, the dogs and I went into East London with John to do one of his driving lessons in the truck. Wow, what an eye opener it was too. This huge big truck which he had to alley dock and alley dock and alley dock, till he got it right. It was […]
When we started our year long campervan trip around South Africa, we were absolute novices. Neither of us had ever slept in a campervan, let alone driven one, until we spent a sum total of two nights in our van on a test run to Stellenbosch. So we had to rely on our years of […]
While staying at Cintsa Bay on the Wild Coast of South Africa during February and March, I was fascinated by the rock formation and erosion of the Table Mountain Sand Stone caused by the wave action in the tidal zone. I decided to explore the process visually using a combination of time lapse photography and […]
We left Cintsa with horns blaring and hands waving….scheduled arrival time in Coffee Bay…..2pm. We had been warned about the terrible condition of the roads to Coffee Bay, after turning off the N2, however we still needed to travel the N2 and were not sure what to expect. Shew, what an experience. There were lots […]
Our night last night was disturbed. Both the dogs were restless and John awake round 3ish, the brain working overtime with alleydocking, changing gears, handbrake up, check the intersection, blind spot, blind spot, mirror. Shew, so much to remember. His license date creeping closer and closer. We both seemed to also fight with the duvet. […]
It was another lazy Saturday afternoon in Cintsa. Tina was indulging in a siesta so I decided to take the dogs for a leisurely beach walk. One of the most appealing things about Cintsa is the pristine sandy beach that follows the curve of the bay for miles. Tina and I had noticed an astonishing […]