WJ Pacer Motorhome

WJ Pacer interior - double bed

WJ Pacer interior – double bed

One of the deciding factors that swayed us in the direction of a motorhome was seeing the WJ Pacer. The spacious interior, fixed double bed and general layout really appealed to us. The only issue we had was the build quality of the van. It seems that it came out of the same factory as all the Jurgens caravans. For a vehicle of that price, we would have expected a higher standard of finish.

4 Responses to WJ Pacer Motorhome

  1. Hi John & Tina,

    Finally have found the time to visit the site and I’m waiting with bated breath to read about your adventures. Let me know when you start your big adventure!

    Lynne November 12, 2012 at 2:43 pm Reply
    • Hehehe, thanks Lynne….we can’t wait either…just a few challenges we still need to tackle, so looks like our ad-venture will commence mid December 2012. We are excited and just a little nervous, I suppose its’ always like that when we go off into the ‘unknown’.

      tinabotton November 26, 2012 at 4:07 pm Reply
  2. Hi there JB & tinatjie , looks like you’re having loads of fun . Sort of also got news from Ulfie & the gang re more ” kak” you’ve had with the mothership . Hope that’s all sorted out now. Read about your hahana experience sniffing the dogs blanket . Interesting how sharp these animals are hey. Winds been pomping here but have managed a few good rides doing mainly hill work chappies up Geneva drive & signal hill . Christoph is back in the fold & da messies r cycling very well especially Inga , she wants to beat us boys. Must have a word with Ulfie about this.
    Thailand was fantastically splendiferous , took about 1500 shots . But it’s now a lovely distant memory . We came back to a family tragedy just to show you how tenuous & fragile life can be . Janine’s niece Candice living in UsA lost her 18 month old little girl. A combination of the 3 in one mmr inoculation plus a flu injection going horribly wrong . Cut a long story short she had a brain hemmorage & the drs switched off the life support system . Brought us all back to the real world very quickly indeed . I like your blogs , very well written ,informative & numerous . Well done , keep up the good work , I’ll put you under my favorites on the iPad & will follow yor progress with interest. I also saw a little advert somewhere about you wanting to maybe swap for a trip in AUS/ NZ . R u just testing the waters . Seeing where life takes you. Could be a Lekker idea , but Wat about the hyundais ???? . Some further travel thoughts move along slowly from the eastern cape to Rhodes the darkens berg / natal north coast st Lucia , the parks there ( blerry nice) & then wind yor way along up north to the eastern TVL Kruger ( hyundais in kennels in nelspruit) & on to the water berg .
    Well I’m done with this email , keep well & happy trucking . By the way oumas risks are really kak & flavorless . I’m sure the farm stores along the way have far tastier home made ones. g& T in a thermos flask , brilliant idea.
    Cheers B soet & b happy . Missing u guys !!!!!

    Chirpy Tjeerd February 3, 2013 at 10:20 am Reply
    • Hi Tjeerd
      Thanks so much for your lovely comment blog…perhaps you can encourage some of the others do write to us too . Glad you had a wonderful time in Thailand, time goes so quickly, I’m not surprised it is all, but a distant memory now…back into the swing of work and stuff. So, so sad about Janine’s niece losing her baby AND under such normal circumstances……call it a ‘freak happening’, sort of what happened to my sister, many years ago, a ‘freak accident’. She was swept out to sea from a rock pool, ankle deep in water AND wasn’t the only one standing in it…difficult to understand why, so I really feel for her. We are really having fun, despite the many challenges along the way, but hey, they only make us stronger. Yes, we testing the waters in Aus/NZ first, before making any major decisions or life changes LOL, will keep u posted. Firstly tho’, we have our year long trip thru SA and surrounds. So enjoying Cintza Bay, beautiful tropical feel, so many birds and awesome beaches, full of natural stuff, like sea urchins, driftwood, real pink seaweed and shells, not full of rubbish like on the other beaches. So, am now off to make us some sups. Love to Janine and Saskia. Take care now, work hard for the Argus. Loads of love and big hugs John and Tina and of course the ‘woofs’. xx

      tinabotton February 3, 2013 at 7:31 pm Reply

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Cintsa Beach Walk

It was another lazy Saturday afternoon in Cintsa. Tina was indulging in a siesta so I decided to take the dogs for a leisurely beach walk. One of the most appealing things about Cintsa is the pristine sandy beach that follows the curve of the bay for miles. Tina and I had noticed an astonishing […]